Shel Belinkoff schrieb:

The software works fine for me - I get the email, I can read it, it can
thread nicely on my system, Earthlink has good built in spam and virus
protection.  Most of the techno stuff you're talking about is over my head.
Have no idea, for example, what a web interface email front end is.

maybe your software works fine for you but what Martin was pointing out is that it does not for others. Your replies never appear next to the messages you replied to.

I'm sure you mean well to point all this out, but I've no idea what it has
to do with the subject and the thread.  My ignorance, probably.

Yes, but there's a remedy, understand this:

email is not necessarily WYSIWIG. that means, email software does not recognize threads by the subject (which you see) but by every email having a unique identifier, which is called 'message-ID' and which is usually _not_ shown by email software, as it is not that human readable. email software orders threads by message-IDs of certain mails and other mails referring to the IDs of other mails. When replying to an email, your software 'SHOULD' (it neednt't, but it would help a lot) include the ID of the email you reply to.This doesn't show up, as it is a piece of technical that's of no use to us humans, but it is necessary for email programs to keep threads together properly. Have you ever figured out how your software manages that?

The sourcecode of your emails shows that your software ommits the 'In-Reply-To' Field, so my software (mozilla, BTW) cannot know to which message you replied. Looks as if Martin's software can't, either.

You started the thread in a way I understood as 'know your tools and how to use them for making communication easy', by giving hints that can help making longish threads easier to follow.

AFAICS what Martin wanted to tell you is that your tool is defective; even if you don't notice, others do.

It makes it easier to follow threads if replies are appended to the messages they reply to, which isn't the case with your replies due to a fault/non-standard-behaviour in your software.

You can easily see that in PDML archive, threads are organized in a way that messages appear indented in different columns to show replies and follow-ups. Your mails will _never_ show further right than the second column. Guess why?

Martin just gave you a hint about your tool in an in-depth technical way. Of course, as a german geek I must defend another german geek a bit, hehehe...

Seriously, I hope you understand more now.

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