On Mon, Sep 19, 2005 at 07:08:50AM -0400, Cory Papenfuss wrote:
> >Its done for convenience.  You can see your shutter speed real time and 
> >can make adjustments if its too fast/slow.  Pentax could have had a 
> >pseudo-AE mode if they wanted to with just one press of the green button 
> >per aperture selection if they wanted to.  By taking two measurements, one 
> >wide open, one with the aperture down, a simple ratio could be used for 
> >all future calculations using the future wide open measurement.  If you 
> >changed the aperture, you pressed the green button again.
> >
>       I believe you're saying the same thing I've suggested in the past. 
> I have written to Pentax suggesting they implement this as a firmware 
> option.

I don't think it should be a firmware option.  The existing "green button"
mode is a sort of Hyper-Manual mode, and I really don't think the camera
has any business changing settings in manual mode except in response to
explicit user actions, no matter how much the light changes.

Perhaps Av mode should work the way you suggest with an old lens mounted,
but even there I'm not convinced; it's not idiot-proof (forget to push
the button after you change aperture and you're asking for a bad exposure).
I'd rather have the camera stop down and meter with a half-press of the
shutter (or by pushing the AE button); that's as least as useful as the
existing full-aperture-only mode.

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