On 19/9/05, Godfrey DiGiorgi, discombobulated, unleashed:

>This sparks a memory from the early days of Apple's Macintosh. SJ was  
>riding heard on the project like an expectant hen ... the guy laying  
>out the logic board was having trouble with RFI and cross-talk. SJ  
>heads over to his bench one day and pronounces, "Of course it has  
>problems. It's not neat and tidy. Do it this way..." and draws a  
>nice, neat, orthogonal layout. Such was the force of the man that the  
>engineer built one to his drawing. Of course, it didn't work *at all*  
>that way.
>In SJ's defense, he was a lot younger then... ;-)

Nice story GDG. Ta.


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