I hadn't. I have now :-)

Still doesn't do it for me. The colours are a bit wishy washy. By that
I mean the grass & flowers seem to blend in with the walls of the
castle. It works a bit better in B&W IMO, but I have a preference for

All in all it's an alright shot. I just don't think it's one of your
better ones.

But what do I know :-)


On 9/20/05, Godfrey DiGiorgi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Sep 20, 2005, at 4:43 AM, David Savage wrote:
> >>    http://homepage.mac.com/ramarren/photo/PAW5/37p.htm
> >
> > Sorry Godfrey, this, IMO,  just doesn't seem to be up to your usual
> > standard.
> > It looks a bit flat, and at this size not particularly sharp.
> It isn't obvious from your comment ... Did you click on the image and
> look at the half-rez version? It's a high-detail photo; I felt my
> usual web display size didn't do it justice either so I provided the
> option of a higher resolution view.
> Godfrey

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