On Sep 20, 2005, at 10:38 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

As follow up:

From Sept 17, 8:54 pm to Sept 20, 10:07 am, JCO has made 98 posts on
this topic, and none on any other topic.

Most other posters to this and related threads have made 10-12 posts
in the same time period, and have commented on other threads about
2x-3x more frequently.

Okay, you are now in my kill file.

I find this kind of harassment of a long time list member totally
unwarranted. You may find him annoying, but you don't have to read his posts. And he has valid points. He has always had valid points. And he knows old lenses. He has
also been helpful to me regarding old lenses.

You, sir, I am finding much, much more annoying than him.

Marnie aka Doe (I don't have a kill file. But for now, I am not reading your posts.) Sheesh, sometimes there is simply too much testosterone on this list.

Sorry you feel that way. Since you're not interested in reading my messages any further, I suppose this apology is in vain.

I'm simply reporting the facts. Why I'm reporting them is that I find such behavior to be an incredible waste of time and feel people on the mailing list should be aware of how much this subscriber's behavior is costing in terms of message volume.

It's not a waste of time for me. It takes me virtually no time to generate such reports as I developed many automated tools for analyzing large quantities of posts (the peak volume I used to see was around 4000 posts per day) from newsgroups/mailing lists/bulletin boards/etc that I used in the position I spoke of earlier. It's very easy for me to generate and track mailing list traffic. I turned on my tracking tools and find JCO's activity is classed as a "list abuser" by the coda of every list I've ever participated in, and I've been participating in mailing lists since 1984.


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