This is NOT a compatability issue is a product
support issue. KM lenses are not incompatable
with A/F/FA in any way so just because other
companies had real compatiblity issues with
totally different hardward doesn’t mean that
pentax did or has. A/F/FA functions are not
causing any problems with K/M functions now
or in the past. PENTAX is refusing to support
these lenses when they still easily and cheaply
can. Theyre not incompatable, that might
be reasonable if they were, this is pure non
product support of SLR system components that
are still fully compatible.

-----Original Message-----
From: Pål Jensen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, September 21, 2005 12:42 PM
Subject: Re: Camera engineering (was Re: Rename request)

Toralf wrote: 

> I still want to take the "image" view on this, though (surely image is
> more important to photo companies than most others ;-)) The question is 
> not (only) if people actually want to use these old lenses, but how the 
> lens compatibility issue affects Pentax'es image, i.e. the way people 
> look at Pentax as a brand, or more specifically, whether or not it 
> affects their opinion of the company enough to have a real influence on 
> their selection of brand.

The fact is that Pentax have the best backward compatibility in the
business. I doubt this fact will hurt the companys image...


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