I'd like 5fps/s for at least 4-5 secs
High Speed flash sync
Sealed body against dust and hunidity
Buttons for stuff like speed, focus select,
Button for metering mode
Button for exposure compensation
Full compataibility with older lenses
If possible full frame.



After spending about four lifetimes following the recent spew about
non-A lens support, I started to think about what I would really WANT
in a digital camera.  (This has nothing to do with the possible
petition to Pentax.)  Just for kicks (and a bit of flame-free fun) I'd
like to know what you would WANT if you could have your DSLR your way.
Throw caution to the wind.  Don't even consider what is feasible or
marketable.  Just let us know what your dream digital camera looks

Here's mine:
I wanna be able to select ISO and shutter speed with knobs.
It should support an available line of manual focus lenses.  K-mount
(un-crippled) is good.  Screw mount or M-mount would be cool, too.
I don't need auto focus, auto aperture, or auto anything.
Monochrome sensor.  Something in the 4 to 6 MP range is good.
Metal chassis.  Metal body.
PC sync.
No built-in flash.
Less than $1500 US.

Things I don't need, but could live with:
Hot shoe.
Picture modes.

Features I would like, but could live without:
In-camera DNG support.

That's about it.

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