Doug Brewer wrote:
I have just this moment convened a special assembly of the list moderators. Upon calling the roll, I can confirm that I am all here and in total agreement with myself that if I (we) am (are) to continue to hold fast to my (our) long-standing policy of laissez faire list oversight, that I (we) shall continue to let you (JCO) browbeat, shout at, and otherwise communicate with those with whom you have violent disagreement and sometimes violent agreement, it is only fair and equitable that I (we) should also allow Mr. Robb and others the opportunity to operate on the same level of communication, with the fervent hope that eventually the subterranean depths of this particular discussion will rise again to the formerly enjoyed soaring heights of discourse we all can appreciate and in which we can, if we so choose, participate.

And those in favor said, "aye" and thus it shall ever be.


J. C. O'Connell wrote:

I had no choice but to reply in kind if the
list moderaters are going to let him continue
with it unchecked.


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