----- Original Message ----- 

> I am sorry to inform you but high quality
> photographic lenses are NOT typical products.
> They have usable life spans in the decades
> not years so all your posts are irrelavant
> because you have no evidence to suggest
> that its true that "nobody wants or uses these
> anymore".

Huh? This isn't about usable life span but actual use. 

 I have a whole bunch of 30-35
> year old pentax SCREW lenses which are even
> older than K lenses that are still in excellent
> shape and still very desireble to own and use.
> You basis is flawed. You must be a teenager
> or something that thinks everything made
> is disposable and new is always better so
> nobody wants or uses old..

Where an earth are you living? I though you were american and had some 
experience with consumer society. The garbage dumbs around here are full of 
stuff with plenty of usable life left. People are buying several hundreds of 
thosand of Canon and Nikon DSLR's every month and most buy new lenses with 
them. "No one" is mounting a 30 year old lens on their Canon. 


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