----- Original Message ----- From: "J. C. O'Connell"
Subject: RE: Camera engineering (was Re: Rename request)

So you asked me to give you reasons why
I contend that pentaxes K/M support decisions have
been questionable Correct?

Not quite. I am asking you to send me hard information regarding what you called Pentax's questionable reasons.

heres what you said:

">> Pentax has no compatabiliy issues with K/M
lenses whatsoever, they just have chosen
to not support key functions on the K/M lenses
for reasons that remain very questionable
at best...."

I just want to know what questionable reasons they were, officially, from Pentax Japan. You contend they are qustionable, so i presume you now what they are, and where they can be found to read.
A press release would do the trick.

Your questionable reasons are plain enough.

William Robb

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