the ever predictable and always lovable
William ROB writes:

Beause newer lenses are often not showing the same problems that older ones
are showing. Just because you are stuck in the 70s doesn't mean lens design
has stayed there with you.
I am not stuck in the 70's. I have repeatedly said that
there are some great K/M lenses and I have not heard
that they all suck on digital at ALL so that is moot.

Secondly since hardly any he PK lenses from any
series even F/FA were designed for digital, why are you saying
the later ones are better? I bet plenty of 
the K/M lenses are better than plenty of the
later ones, so wouldn't it be better to be
using whats best not whats newest? and with full
AE support in the case of the K/M that are really good
on digital?? Yes it would.

-----Original Message-----
From: William Robb [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, September 23, 2005 1:21 PM
To: Pentax Discuss
Subject: Re: Camera engineering (was Re: Rename request)

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "J. C. O'Connell"
Subject: RE: Camera engineering (was Re: Rename request)

> If you actuall had a first hand experience
> with intelligence, and if you actually read
> the thread like I suggested I already
> address this in detail. K/M lenses werent
> designed for digital, they were designed
> for film. TRUE-

Excellent, you have just taken the first step towards understanding the 
Maybe there is hope for you yet.
> BUT, So were the A lenses, the F lenses
> and pesumably nearly ALL the PK lenses
> until very recently.
> So if K/M are no good for digital because
> they were designed for film than neither
> are the A and the F and the FA etc.
> And then comes the final blow. IF all
> these PENTAX brand lenses arent really
> any good for digital because they were
> designed for film - THEN WHY BUY
> the pentax DSLR at all?

Beause newer lenses are often not showing the same problems that older ones
are showing. Just because you are stuck in the 70s doesn't mean lens design
has stayed there with you.
> You have zero point. There is nothing
> to suggest the later lense series are
> any better on digital than the K series.
> Some of them I am sure are worse..
You dumb fuck, don't you read what you are replying to before writing this 
Maybe there is no hope for you after all, you are really to dense to 

William Robb

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