Hi Bill and welcome back.

Pretty much all of my 35mm ish colour is done with the istD or D2h or D1, but i 
shoot my 6x7
with T-max Tri-x or 100vs for fall colours. Cannot beat a good 6x7 slide shot 
of fall

My IR has fallen off a bit, but i still try to shoot a few rolls every year. 
Last one at
GFM this

Lets see some Paw's with that new scanner.:-)

Dave Brooks

>   Hey kids!
>         I'm back  ;^)
>         Got myself another 6x7 & the 45mm lens and a bunch of E100vs
>          ... a 165mm f2.8, a 300mm f4 and some miscellany are enroute
>              to the new abode    Let The "Real Photography" Begin!!! 
>         PS: it'll also do digital via a film scanner, something like 
>             250 megapixels or some such ...  
>                                               !8^D  egads!
>         Wild Bill on the "Skenick Oregon Koast"


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