Yes they do monitor the list. However, they think we a micro-segment of their customer base that catering to would be a idiot waste of money. If we come up with something they think Joe Consumer might like it may show up in one of their future products. It is like, they said the LX-2000 did not sell well. Wonder how it would have sold if you could have walked into a store and bought one instead of having to figure out how to import it yourself? The problem tends to be the type of stores that sell cameras nowadays are not willing to stock expensive cameras. My suggestion to the rep was that Pentax should floor-plan (provide on consignment) the high-end stuff. He said that is NOT going to happen.

"Idiot Proof" <==> "Expert Proof"

Don Sanderson wrote:

Well, so far, not so good. ;-(

We've only had a few interested parties so far, not nearly
enough to have an impact on Pentax decision making.

I've talked to other PDML members more in the know
about this than I and they feel Pentax already monitors
this, and other lists, so this may not be a worthwhile effort.

Regardless, I will keep [EMAIL PROTECTED] active
for comments on this subject AND I am working on a
web form that will allow people to enter their "wish list"
and demographics and I will monitor and tally this on
a regular basis. Results will be reported to the PDML.

It will be a few days before this happens as my web
skills have gotten "a tad" rusty. ;-)


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