Happy anniversary every one :-). Some you/us have gone and some newbies have
I've been here  - on and off - since the fall 1998, I believe. I have
learned a lot fraom you all. I appreciate this, very much!


-----Oprindelig meddelelse-----
Fra: Jostein [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sendt: 22. september 2005 13:33
Til: pentax-discuss@pdml.net
Emne: Re: PDML 10th anniversary

Quoting Pål Jensen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> I was not photographing an air show but my camera broke down when it was
> years old. It was  bought in 1981 so it must have been in 2000. Anyway, I
> believe that you joined in the fall of '99.

That was second time around.
I first joined in -96 or -97, then unsubscribed for a while when relocating
another part of the country, then resubscribing in fall -99, when things had
settled down a bit.

I certainly was around before Doug took over the list. I remember the first
beginnings of PUG, when Dick Graham and others advocated it. I also remember
all the positive hum on the list when the MZ-5 was released. And all the
bitching from those who wanted a follow-up from the Z-1p rather than the MZ
series. :-)

Anyway I'm a youngster compared to you and Doug et. al... :-)


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