On Sep 25, 2005, at 6:43 AM, Cory Papenfuss wrote:


My experience has been that the -DS tends to underexpose by about
to 1 stop in typical compositions if left to its own decision. That's good to prevent blown highlights, but bad for shadow and mid- tone noise. ...

Yes. The DS exposure calibrations are set for the in-camera JPEG rendering, where blown highlights can be very bad. If you are saving exposures in RAW format, opening up by +0.3 to +0.7 EV usually nets much better results due to the much greater dynamic range overhead available.

Most of the exposures in my "San Francisco Love Parade" contact sheet (posted yesterday) were made with +0.7 to +1.0 EV compensation in Av mode, all saved in RAW format, due to the contrasty light. Very near to perfect exposure on most of them.


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