These turn up on EBay frequently.  The 1.7 models usually fetch a
price I think is way too high.  You might also consider a Yashica
Electro 35 GSN.

On 9/25/05, Michael Spivak <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'm looking to get some Canonet 17QL GII to play with
> Does anybody have one to sell ?
> Looking for one in a good estetc condition with working and accurate
> light meter and clean lens.
> Thanks in advance
> PS: can someone advice any other good,small,sharp, F/1.7 rangefinder
> LIKE the canonet WITH a light meter and a clean viewfinder ?
> Thanks a lot in advance
> --
> Yours
>     Michael

Scott Loveless

"You have to hold the button down" -Arnold Newman

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