As every good American knows, Canada's ability to invade the US was thoroughly 
analyzed in a recent episode of "South Park." I don't remember exactly how it 
ends. I think the Canadians decide they don't want it after all. Kenny, of 
course, dies in defense of his country. But then Kenny dies in every episode. 

> "Tom Reese" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >William Robb warned:
> >
> >> From: "Mark Roberts"
> >>
> >> > Canada had more firearms per capita than the United States. (Of course,
> >> > the population here is vastly greater, so the total number of firearms
> >> > is greater than that of Canada. We're probably safe from invasion!)
> >>
> >> I bet that % and number was higher when we razed yer White House too.
> >> Don't underestimate us.
> >
> >Bah. Most of your army would quit when they reached the first Milwaukee
> >brewery.
> What for? To laugh at it?
> <g>
> -- 
> Mark Roberts
> Photography and writing

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