Bob, thanks for the comments.
Even though I wasn't seeking comments on the Bio page, I appreciate yours.

Kenneth Waller

----- Original Message ----- From: "Bob Sullivan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Subject: Re: Peso - Blue Butt


Every time I see one of your Denali pictures, I want to go back.
I love the Bleached Blond - California look of the bear.
This shot is close up and shows the size of the bear well.
Plus Focus and DOF are great.

On your first URL - your bio page, I don't care much about
the workshop leaders liking your photos.  You could 'appreciate'
learning from them, but your stuff stands on it's own merits and
is as good as any I've seen.  So go toot your own horn!

Regards,  Bob S.

On 9/28/05, Kenneth Waller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I gave the wrong URL Duh
should be:

Comments solicited - yeah, nay or other wise

Kenneth Waller

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