
I have a Canon 8400F.  It comes with 35mm strip, 35mm slide and medium
format carriers.  I've had decent luck scanning print film.  I
wouldn't recommend it for slides.  A little photochopping has been
required for everything scanned thus far.  Knowing now the cons of
using a flatbed scanner for film, I would really like a dedicated film
scanner.  For the money, though, it's not bad.

On 10/3/05, Frank Wajer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'm not yet ready to dump my analog camera and buy a digital camera (for 
> example a ist-ds). In fact I want to wait for the istD2 and hope it has an 
> aperture coupler so I'll be able to use my K/M lenses as I'm used to.
> However, the prices of prints is getting outrageous, about six times more 
> expensive than internet printing services. So I'm thinking about buying a 
> filmscanner to fill the gap till the D2 comes. I need a cheap solution that 
> gives me good pictures up to 13x18 cm prints. Bigger I'll do the old 
> fashioned expensive :-(( way. Any advice?
> Frank

Scott Loveless

"You have to hold the button down" -Arnold Newman

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