Some of the third party K-M42 adapters stick out of the camera body, which doesn't help lens registration much. Genuine Pen tax adapters mount flush in the K mount and retain exact registration.

keith_w wrote:

Godfrey DiGiorgi wrote:

On Oct 4, 2005, at 9:55 AM, Mark Roberts wrote:

M42 and K-bayonet have the same register...

Lens mount body flange-to-film plane measurement?

...and very similar to Nikon
bayonet. That's why there are no adapters I know of that will allow
infinity focus.

There used to be a K-to-M42 adapter that did allow infinity focus. It
contained one or more optical elements to make this work.  ...

Mark, or somebody, didn't leave his quote source intact, so I don't know to whom I should address this question, however... Are you telling me that when I attach Pentax' own M42 to K-mount adapter ring to my K-mount bodies, none of the M42 lenses I subsequently mount will actually be able to focus to infinity?! I was rather nonplused, but managed to ponder...I think that when such a situation occurs, I don't think I attach any M42 mount lens specifically to take scenics or other very long distance shots, nor did I blow any of them up to 11X14" or beyond, so I guess I never noticed.

I think the poster is right, and *I* need to be more critical in my examination of my images! Perhaps I was fortunate that all settings in the past have utilized good light, combined with mid- or small diamater apertures, so I never noticed!


It's generally a bad idea, though. The M42 mount is smaller diameter as well as the same register which makes it hard to make this without also putting a low-power teleconverter in such a mount. That's what Canon did for the FD->EOS converter ... and IMO it was a total waste of time.

I've also wondered if the lens mount casting from a K1000 would bolt
onto a Spotmatic. Those cameras were similar enough that it just might
be the case. You'd be limited to stop-down metering, but you'd have an
interesting conversation piece.

Yup. Like the guy who adapted the Leica R bayonet mount to his Nikon F2 body. Hated the Leica R bodies, loved their lenses, and didn't care about Nikkor lenses...


When you're worried or in doubt, Run in circles, (scream and shout).

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