On Fri, 13 Jul 2001 00:58:26 +0200, Jarosaw Brzeziski wrote:

>I do not own an MZ-S but from my experience with cameras of other 
>makers, your conclusion are right. In Canons there is a Custom 
>Function linking AF and AE at the focus point which means that spot 
>(or - more appropriatel - semi-spot) metering will will be taken at 
>the automatically or manually selected focusing point.

That is correct, from the earlier descriptions of the MZ-S new AF it has
become clear that the matrix used for metering and the AF focus points
are more or less matched. Using Pentax function 5 will cause the metering
cell closest to the focus-point to be used.

I guess it will not be as selective as "spot" mode in the center because the
matrix cells are too big for that ...

>"Alexandre A. P. Suaide" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> napisa / wrote: 
>> F5: Links AF and AE at the focus point (exposure can be taken
>> at point of focus or not)
>> What does it mean? If I set the focus point to the corner of the
>> frame will the spot exposure (or center weighted) be centered in
>> this point?

Well, You cannot set that to "the corner of the frame", there are only
6 points to choose from, and 5 of those are on one line!

Regards, JvW
Jan van Wijk;   www.fsys.demon.nl

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