On 10/5/05, frank theriault <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > http://twosixteen.com/gallery/index.php?id=179
> >
> > K1000, M200/4, Ektachrome.
> 1)  She's quite beautiful (and that's a good thing),

I'm always amazed with small town gene pools.  ;)

> 2)  You caught a lovely expression on her face - almost shy, as if
> she's a small-town girl who's not used to the attention, as opposed to
> one of those "professional pageant girls" who travel from pageant to
> pageant (anyone ever seen Drop Dead Gorgeous - what a hilarious black
> comedy! <g>),

Thanks, Frank.

> 3)  The oof folks and pick-up trucks and modest house in the
> background scream of Smalltown USA (or Canada, for that matter) - and
> I'm guessing that Piggott, Arkansas ~may~ be a smallish town.

About 3500 give or take.  Farming community, as the greene hat in the
background suggests.

> I love this shot (despite - or maybe because of - its technical shortcomings).

Thank you, sir.  Glad you like it.

Scott Loveless

"You have to hold the button down" -Arnold Newman

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