You must be burning too much midnite oil Shel... :)

He suggested using the words "city", "street" or "people" in a URL because those subjects make up the majority (at least what you've displayed to the PDML), of your shots. They more often than not contain people, were taken on the street, and streets, pretty much by neccessity, happen to be in the city.

So there could or, etc.  Not too hard, eh?

Jack was just toying with you in his second post (right Jack?). You mentioned some of your photos are of "cute" or "pretty" subjects, so he suggested using those words, somewhat tongue-in-cheek, I would guess.

Personally, I like using you last name somehow. You must be shelshocked. :)

Tom C.

From: "Shel Belinkoff" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Setting Up a Web Site
Date: Wed, 5 Oct 2005 16:13:35 -0700

Perhaps you can explain it to me.  I thought I understood it after Jack 's
explanation, but his subsequent comment lost me again.


> [Original Message]
> From: Tom C

> I got it!
> Tom C.
> >Because...those images of yours,I remember seeing, included such
> >elements almost without exception. Sorry, but thought it would be
> >obvious.

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