On 5/10/05, Bob Shell, discombobulated, unleashed:

>Nikon was the camera of choice for pros in the USA for one reason, and 
>one reason only, a man named Joe Ehrenreich.  Ehrenreich was the best 
>marketer who has ever come along in the photo industry.  He was the 
>first to think of giving camera outfits to well-known photographers so 
>they would be seen using them and would talk about them.  At the time 
>Canon cameras were just as good, perhaps even better, but they had 
>ineffectual distribution and promotion.  By the time SLR cameras came 
>along Nikon was firmly entrenched as the pro's camera, so pros using 
>Nikon rangefinder cameras just naturally gravitated to the Nikon F.  
>Ehrenreich founded Ehrenreich Photo Optical Industries, better known by 
>the acronym EPOI.  EPOI went on to become the distributor for Rollei, 
>Bronica, Mamiya, JOBO, Capro, and a wide range of other photo brands.  
>It was a powerhouse that nothing came close to, other than perhaps 

I know a very nice man who says the same thing, and he used to be a Nikon


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