thanks. it's something that i can't explain to anyone either. the technical stuff, anyone can learn if they really want to, and i have spent some time teaching it, among other things. i think that the technical stuff is a very important foundation to being a top tier photographer. there are some people who have managed without it, but i think it is easier with. i don't know how to teach anyone to be creative and imaginative. someone who sees new things they love and merely imitate can still get excellent shots, but you'll always know within what range they work. someone creative and imaginative will manage to surprise you regularly with something new and exciting.

----- Original Message ----- From: "Jack Davis" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <>
Sent: Thursday, October 06, 2005 11:22 PM
Subject: Re: Fall in the Adirondacks

I didn't mention this in my first post, but the reason I asked what you
shot the scenes with was because the images have a brilliance an
clarity that impressed me.
I'm not taking anything away from your terrific uploads, but the well
composed scenes have a special pop about them.
I have a pro photog friend who just took delivery of a D2X and is
virtually as happy with it as with his 22mp backed Contax 645.
I messed with a few minutes and he practly had to pry it from my grip
to get it back. :-)

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