P. J. Alling wrote:

You really got to be more careful.

He's been riding professionally for a long time. I think he knows traffic better than most of us!

Get a Bell for crisakes, it will help protect you from the speeding cars...

No, it really won't. I hope you said that tongue in cheek, but without a smiley or other indication, I assume you might have been serious.

As a long time motorcycle rider (since 1950) I can assure you, on two wheels you become almost invisible on the road. It's an old joke among long term riders, that when involved in a car/bike accident, and the car driver is asked [rather stupidly in my humble opinion]
"How could you possibly hit him! He was right in front of you."
"I didn't see him."
"How many little children have you run over? They are *much* smaller than a motorcycle and rider."

Facts are, bikes *are* practically invisible to the rest of the motoring public, and a cyclist has to be at 110% attention at all times. As Frank is an excellent example of, even then you stand a very much higher incidence of having a traffic accident than a motorcar.

Mend quickly, Frank. You have my empathy! I've been *so* close, so many times... I can see the whole picture. It IS dangerous out there.

Be well,  keith

frank theriault wrote:

well, today started with a bang!


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