Unfortunately, Frank's story is why I don't normally ride the streets/roads 
anymore - I've had people aim at me to force me off the road.

Keneth Waller

-----Original Message-----
From: Mark Roberts <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Subject: Re: OT: matching shoulders <g>

frank theriault <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>well, today started with a bang!
>i got hit by a car making an illegal turn, while riding
>to work this morning.  

Yikes! Scary story, especially to someone who regularly rides the roads.
Hope you're not out of action for too long. (And I hope the Canadian
court system works better than the one over here - I'm taking a legal
course as part of my masters program here and these things are even
*more* scary when you start to learn how they work!) 
Mark Roberts
Photography and writing

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