Coming out of lurk mode - I've not commented before, content to try to learn off other's comments. However...FWIW

Crop 1 does it for me. You've eliminated the empty space between you and the subject and to the right of the subject which add nothing to the photo, while still holding onto the theme of personal space, i.e. letting the subject be alone in his environment. Crops 2 & 3 move the theme away from the *aloneness* of the subject within his environment to concentrate too much on the subject. Neither 2 or 3, to me, convey *personal space* while crop 1 does.


Okay, Bob wants more meaningful discussion. :-) So please indulge me. I got curious and I am testing a thesis.
Practically no one liked Personal Space but me. I think the wastebasket and
the bottom should be cropped, but I liked it.

Godfrey said (at the NorCal PDML meet) regarding "street photography" that one has to get in close (5-12) feet otherwise the photograph lacks intimacy.
From what Juan and Shel have said (and the lenses they recommended, 24-55mm) they

I found when doing street photography, well, I can't. I have great difficulty penetrating someone else's personal space bubble. I can shoot people I know, sure, and I did all over the place. Shot PDMLers at lunch even if they didn't want me to. So I liked personal space, because I left the guy his space. And I didn't think the composition was that bad. Not great, but not that bad.

I suspect, however, that it does not meet people's expectations regarding "street photography" and closeness (i.e. people found on the street).

Therefore I have made three crops, each successively closer. (I thought it might be a bike besides the guy, but turns out it's a fence in the background. Bit distracting. Oh, well.)

Of course it could just be a lousy photo.

But I'd be real curious if anyone likes the crops better. And which crop do you like?

If people do, it would tend to support the above thesis. Although I was not using 24-55mm; I was using a zoom. And I probably shot at 70-90mm or so. And I was about 15 feet away.

I used the first technique Shel's listed to convert to B&W.

And the technique Boris showed me to sharpen after resizing to convert a RAW into a JPEG (I see artifacts so I am still not doing it right).


The forward arrows take you to the next crops.The back arrow on the first one takes you to the original (however, the forward arrow on the original does not return to the first crop, since the crops are in a separate loop. But your browser back arrow will do that).

Anyone have a stronger emotional reaction to any of the crops? Like any of them better?

TIA, Marnie aka Doe :-)

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