> Rob Studdert wrote:
> >It's been a long time between PESOs for me but here are three pics from my
> >recent trip:
> >
> >http://home.swiftdsl.com.au/~distudio/temp/IMGP4645.jpg (~109kB)
> >http://home.swiftdsl.com.au/~distudio/temp/IMGP4324.jpg (~58kB)
> >http://home.swiftdsl.com.au/~distudio/temp/IMGP3596.jpg (~116kB)
> >
> >Please comment if you desire but really I had very little part to play in the
> >making of these pics apart from carrying the camera and bumping the shutter
> >release :-)
> >
> >Oh and they were all shot with manual focus lenses.
> >
> >Cheers,
> >
> >
> >Rob Studdert

Aaaah a new PUG theme!
"The camera did it"

You should get about 12 of them, take them to a
gallery and don't tell
them the story

by the way, know any Koalas that Paint ???

ann - awaiting the real photos

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