Welcome.  You've got some great pictures there.

This month we are having a monster PUG, because everybody's feeling guilty.

Here's where you submit:


The theme is "Useless".  Interpret as you will.

Deadline 20 October.

Best wishes


On Wed, 12 Oct 2005 20:58:30 +0100, Heidi & Jon VW <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I just joined the list and thought I'd introduce myself. My name is Heidi, I'm from Roseville, CA, and my full-time job is being a wife and a mom to 5 great kids. But in what little spare time I have, I love doing photography (much to the annoyance of my kids who get tired of a camera in their face all the time). I'm a fairly new Pentax user (bought the istDS about 6 mos. ago) and was invited by Bruce Dayton to tag along with the group in San Francisco last weekend. I had a great time and learned a lot--one thing I learned is that I have a lot to learn! So, I'm looking forward to hanging out here and gleaning from everyone's expertise & knowledge.

I had to scan through the list awhile to figure out all the acronyms (PESO, GESO, PAW, PUG, etc.), but I think I have it straight....so, I'm sharing a GESO from the day in SF. The first pic is a self-portrait in the "cliche mirror shot". The arrows will get you to the other pictures, some of which are similar to others taken by the group. Please feel free to comment, good, bad or indifferent, on anything. I'm here to learn!



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