
Yup, I decided to throw my gallery of the NorCal Meet up there now. That way I can get on to other things this week and stop thinking about it.

And, yes, pictures of PDMLers are included. Although I didn't get good individual shots of John Celio and Bruce Dayton, so I left them out (they were very unflattering and you guys owe me some money. ;-))

Along with some more attempts at street photography and a few other things. Nothing great. Although there are one or two (maybe three) that I sort of like.


Does not include the four PESOs that I have already shown.

http://members.aol.com/eactivist/MEET2/pages/CRW_6874.html - I kind of like it. It has a bit of ironic unfinishedness in it that I sense.

http://members.aol.com/eactivist/MEET2/pages/CRW_6881.html - this is quite excellent, at least to my eyes. Though on my monitor it seems tad unsharp. Also b/w conversion could be considered. Then by playing with tones and such the tattoo on the guys back can be made more prominent...

Generally, Marnie I have one nagging impression having looked at the gallery. It is the same with me, hence it easily started nagging me. You crop/frame too tight... At least I think so.

Also I am pleased to see faces of few PDMLers whom I had no luck seeing before. John Francis has a serious beard. And for some odd inexplicable reason, Juan looks more or less exactly how I imagined he would look. At least on the photograph.


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