mike wilson wrote:


The real bottom line? This is not about TVs.

What isn't?

It's about the size of your genitals.


TV is hardly worth the electricity, never mind the apparatus.

Maybe the TV you watch...

We never watch commercial TV programming anymore.
A few select programs, news analyses, specials, etc.
There IS quality stuff onboard, but you need to search it out.
It won't be on channels 2 thru 13, and very few on 14-99.
DirecTV® has some decent programmng, but at times even IT is hardly worth the monthly charges.

I also watch [mostly old] movies, some pre-taped and some "live."

But, all that 's beside the original point. This particular conversation isn't about watching TV, it's supposed to be about the horrid cost of television receivers today, regardless of the end use to which it's put.

Obviously, you're not a person to discuss television programming, nor the cost of TV receivers with...you're way, way too rigid and biased.


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