At the recent Norcal get together, some of us took advantage of the
airshow that was going on during our gathering.  The most notable
event was the Blue Angels show. Those of us who made it there (Bruce,
John Francis, Ronnie, John Celio, Heidi, Jared and Ashley) had a fun
time watching the show.  Obviously we attempted to take pictures of
the event.

Here is a gallery of images from the event. All shot with the Pentax
*istD, Sigma 100-300/4 EX + Sigma 1.4X EX converter, handheld.

There are some nice pictures in there! I can't decide if I prefer the pix of the planes WITH the smoke or without.

Also -I wonder if you noticed also that there is some dust on your sensor in the upper-left-hand quadrant...


Charles Robinson
Minneapolis, MN

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