----- Original Message ----- From: "Jens Bladt"
Subject: RE: Pentax DSLR future

It seems like Pentax (and others?) are having trouble supporting all three
(four) formats APS, 35mm and 645 (and 6x7) with digital bodies. Pentax
is almost aleady gone. 6x7 will probably go away anytime soone. So what we
are left weith is APS and 645. I wonder if perhaps Canon didn't do the
thing by sticking to APS and 35mm?

Canon, in their entire history, has never ventured into formats larger than
miniature format.
I don't think medium format cameras were ever a mistake.
Saying they were is like saying that wanting the best possible image quality is a mistake. Even now, if you need the absolutely best quality image possible, you are most likely
going to be shooting it on medium or large format film.
Canon was never interested in the sector of the market that wanted or needed
that kind of image quality.

William Robb

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