"William Robb" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>From: "Tim Sherburne"
>>>> iPhoto
>>> My sentiments exactly. Unfortunately, it's all anyone's been able to
>>> suggest so far.
>> I guess one man's floor is another man's ceiling.
>Here is what I know about iPhoto.
>Take it for the little it is worth.
>It puts data too many directories deep into a CD for my comfort. I've seen 
>it put stuff 5-7 directories off the root.
>It changes filenames, seemingly at random.

Speaking of changing filenames, here's something I encountered once at
the photo store:
Customer brought in a CD and requested prints of specific filenames. We
couldn't find the filenames he specified, and tried another machine. I
don't remember if we started with Mac or PC but we eventually found that
browsing the disc on either platform showed different filenames... and
that browsing it on out Fuji Frontier yielded yet a *third* different
set of file names! (Our Fuji PrintPix kiosk showed the same filenames as
the Frontier, not the Mac or the PC.)
This wasn't an iPhoto CD, but rather something produced by ACDSee.
Mark Roberts
Photography and writing

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