Base on the opinions of some of my pics, I might do very well ;-))

It's been on the back burner to get over to the Emeryville store.  Someone
mentioned that they have an interesting stock of Scandinavian food, with a
specific reference to herring ;-))


> [Original Message]
> From: Godfrey DiGiorgi 

> IKEA markets decor art, in the form of graphics and photographs in  
> large format, poster-quality prints. It's actually a great market to  
> try to get into as a photographer ... hard to get in, of course, but  
> they order accepted images in large volumes, printed on low cost,  
> high production printing engines to a reasonable quality standard. I  
> know a couple of guys who make a hefty chunk of money selling a photo  
> to business like this.
> Might be worth stopping into the Emeryville IKEA store (on a weekday  
> morning to avoid the crowds... ;-) and poking around, Shel.

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