On 23 Oct 2005 at 15:27, Glen wrote:

> You impress me as someone who should not step into a modern art gallery 
> without a personal defibrillator.  :)

I often get the impression when I visit modern galleries that the artists are 
simply into shock and awe. I know it might sound a touch cynical but often I 
read some displays as if the artists are saying I dared to call this art, I 
managed dupe the public purse to secure a grant and conned a gallery to hang 
it. I've seen some truly utter crap on gallery walls over the years.

I'm not dumping on Shel here but just because something made it to a gallery 
doesn't necessarily mean that it's going to be nourishing or meaningful to 
anyone but the artist.

Rob Studdert
Tel +61-2-9554-4110
UTC(GMT)  +10 Hours
Pentax user since 1986, PDMLer since 1998

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