On 23 Oct 2005 at 7:12, Paul Stenquist wrote:

> I How it was created is, and always should be, totally irrelevant.

It should be and I expect that you'd apply this to most photography as would I. 
However many "artists" seemingly don't feel this way. On the weekend I saw some 
art that was interesting but not stunning and a web address was pretty 
prominently displayed on the works so I of course I decided to check out the 
site. Each to their own I guess but the attitude of this particular artist and 
his merry band of supporters is contrary to my perspectives.

You can see it at: http://www.renatogrome.com/  (beware it's a flash site)

Specifically check out the last paragraph in the "Artists Statements" > Wisdom 

Rob Studdert
Tel +61-2-9554-4110
UTC(GMT)  +10 Hours
Pentax user since 1986, PDMLer since 1998

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