I'm not sure the PD7X enclosure will work. The PowerBook drive is formatted for Mac OS Extended file system, not FAT32. I don't know what firmware's in the PD7X.

Safer to get yourself a FireWire enclosure. They're not expensive.


On Oct 23, 2005, at 9:28 PM, Juan Buhler wrote:

Yep, I use a Booq bag, made for the PB 12". It wasn't the first time
the Mac rode in there. I usually hang the bag from the helmet safe, in
front of the seat, but this weekend I was riding up north to Petaluma,
so I didn't want to have loose bags...

I'll do as you guys say, take the drive away. I can probably even just
use the PD7X as an enclosure to recover the data...



On 10/23/05, Godfrey DiGiorgi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Ugh. Do you have a well-padded case for it? I suspect a neoprene
sleeve and a nicely padded outer case would kill off most of the
nastier vibrations. Might want to consider putting in a courier bag
instead, however. Less direct vibration that way, your body is
absorbing it.

Regards the drive, just pull the drive out and get a pocket firewire
drive enclosure for it. Fry's Electronics has them for about $50.
Makes a good backup drive too that way. Laptop drives are pretty
tough, hopefully it's ok. You don't want to go to DriveSavers (http://
www.drivesavers.com/) if you don't have to ... It's usually $1000 or
more to recover data from a toasted drive with them, if it's possible
at all.


On Oct 23, 2005, at 8:54 PM, Juan Buhler wrote:

Hi list,

My Powerbook seems to have died today :( Probably too much vibration
while riding in the helmet compartment of the Vespa. It won't boot,
and a burnt smell comes out if I plug it in.

I'm positive that the drive is OK though. Anyone know of a place that will recover the contents of the drive for me? I'll probably just use this as an excuse to use that 25% personal discount that I get in the
Apple store at work and buy a new one. Also, my pictures are all
backed up, so no importent data would be lost anyway. But still, there
are some things that I'd like to recover from there, like my PS
actions, some email, etc.

I know there are some Mac users here, so maybe you have a place to



Juan Buhler
photoblog at http://photoblog.jbuhler.com

Juan Buhler
photoblog at http://photoblog.jbuhler.com

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