On 10/24/05, Gonz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Simply awesome Knarf.  Love the capture of so much emotion. Feel as if I
> was there.  I like the mood you have captured also with the lighting and
> b&w.

thanks to everyone who commented on this one.  i agree with those who
said that this may be one of the better shots i've taken of her.  she
seems happy with it, which is nice <g>

mark, problem with you and lisa comong up is that they don't play that
often.  as is common with artists who play music that's not so popular
or accessible, this is only one of many projects that jennifer and her
bandmates are involved with.  she did mention that they're trying to
arrange a gig for later in november, so i can let you know, in the

for those who asked about lighting, the stage was softly lit, and
there was a single spot on her (and not her band, so i couldn't shoot
them all together as the differential was about 2 stops).  shot with
the SMC 2.5 135mm wide open, about 1/60th, handheld, LX, fuji neopan
1600 pushed one stop.

and, pancho (or whoever asked), yes, i ~did~ intend the shot to be in
focus!!  <LOL>

thanks again.


"Sharpness is a bourgeois concept."  -Henri Cartier-Bresson

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