Well, it seems that the Luddites aren't just a footnote in the history books, but are still walking around sneering at whatever seems unfamiliar!  Here's something to think about:  the main difference between humans and animals is that humans make and use tools.  However, some anthropologists believe that tools made humans, in that more advanced tools required more advanced brains to use and improve those tools.  So, therefore, tools and brains have evolved in a leapfrog fashion, each new generation of tools stimulating the next generation of brains, and vice versa.
In effect, those who hold on mindlessly to the "old ways" are holding back human development, in their own small way.  Before anybody completely loses it, though, I agree that a simple tool is best for a simple job.  Last year my MZ-5n was in for repairs (broken flash arm spring), and, rather than being without a camera (couldn't handle that!), I bought a Fuji single-use camera.  I had so much fun with it that I always have one in my car.  I even contacted Fuji for the specs:  32mm f/10, two element, 1/125 shutter speed, focusing distance:  over Im, weight 103gm.  Does it come more basic than that?  Well, I did go for the one with the flash, as I use fill-flash most of the time, and I used a little slave flash from Ritz Camera for a few "studio" shots.
Point is, more automation doesn't have to make you more stupid and lazy, it can have the opposite effect.  Plus, snapshooters (who will always outnumber us "serious" folk) will get better pictures and won't annoy us by showing us as many out-of-focus, ill-exposed snaps as they used to.  See, everyone benefits.  Also, you'll notice most pros are using the latest equipment, not to impress anyone, but to get the shot, which is what it's all about.  Keep in mind that any high-end or competition equipment, whether cameras, stereos, or motorcycles, has a multitude of adjustments and settings, for use by the knowledgeable users they're aimed at.
To sum up, you don't have to use a pinhole camera to be a real photographer, and yes, I'm planning to get an MZ-S, once I hear that they're bug-free, and available in silver.
Pat White

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