On 25 Oct 2005 at 17:17, William Robb wrote:

> It's nice how some things never change.
> Five years ago we were bitching that Pentax didn't have a film camera to 
> compete with the best that Nikon or Canon were putting on the market.
> At least we are consistent.

Well some of us may have been but you can check trough the archives, it sure as 
hell wasn't me. The LX system did everything I needed and for when it didn't I 
had an MZ-S and I was quite looking forward to pairing the MZ-S with an MZ-D.

> Anyone that thinks that Pentax, on it's own, can come close to competing 
> with either Nikon or Canon on specifications has rocks for brains.

They are dragging their ass along the ground at the moment, they are a far cry 
from even keeping up with the bottom end from other manufacturers.

> They have been out of the running specification wise for about 35 years now,
> except for a few glorious years when the LX was actually a pretty good camera 
> by
> comparison. Why does anyone think that's going to change?

They have to change or bail.

Rob Studdert
Tel +61-2-9554-4110
UTC(GMT)  +10 Hours
Pentax user since 1986, PDMLer since 1998

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