On 10/26/05, Godfrey DiGiorgi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Oct 25, 2005, at 2:05 PM, Alexandru-Cristian Sarbu wrote:
> > First, the camera is slow. And I'm talking mainly about the AF,
> > which ...
> If you're commenting on the camera fitted with the kit lens, which is
> basically an f/4.5 lens most of the time, just be aware that with an
> fast lens like the FA35/2 or FA50/1.4, the AF is quite snappy.

Actually I use the FA 50mm f/1.7. The AF is indeed snappy (even if not
as fast as other cameras), but in some conditions (insufficient light,
low contrast subjects) it becomes quite slow. Is not something
unexpected, but I hope the next model(s) will be better.

> > ... When shooting in raw mode also the writing speed could be a
> > big issue, after the buffer fills you'll have to wait for several
> > seconds to be able to take the next picture. ...
> In real usage, not punching the button around the house while
> testing, how often do you take 5 exposures within a second or three?
> And how fast a card have you fitted? The DS write speed benefits from
> cards up to about 60x performance rating.
> It's not an ultra-fast camera, no argument about that, but it writes
> a heck of a lot faster than my Canon 10D.

I have a Sandisk Ultra II card (1GB), it should be more than enough
for this camera. I think the ~1fps in jpeg mode (after the buffer
fills) will be enough for me, so I guess I'm not used with a camera
which slows down after few frames (my film cameras certainly didn't).
Most of the time I'll be able to use raw without an issue.

> > Ergonomy. ...
> I dunno here. Give it time. The DS was a natural for me, coming from
> the Canon EOS IX, Canon 10D, Panasonic FZ10 and Konica Minolta A2.
> Took me about 5 minutes to find everything, and about a week to know
> everything by feel. Only camera I learned faster was my Nikon FE2. ;-)

I am familiar with Pentax cameras, so I don't have any problem using
my DS. As you said, I'll just have to get used with it. Actually I
think Pentax did a great job putting all those controls in such a
small body, and if the body is thick - well, it's not like they had a
>From this point of view, I prefer the DS to the low-end Canons. The
Nikon D70 is quite nice but bigger.

> > ... The SD slot and the IO ports
> > cover are OK, the PC port however is difficult to use. The flash may
> > be a weak point. ...
> I have yet to use the camera's USB port. I use a card reader instead.
> No problems with the flash on mine, yet, either.

I don't have a card reader (yet). Difficult to use means that you must
use some force when inserting/removing the cable, and the flash... it
just seems weaker than other parts. No real complaint here, the
competitors aren't better.
Btw I've played a little with Pentax Remote Assistant. Nice tool, even
if not all functions seems to work (well, the program lines and the
green buttons shouldn't work anyway). Why no official support for the

> Sounds like you just need some time to learn it and accommodate how
> it differs from your other cameras. :-)
> Godfrey

For sure. Please don't take my (previous) post as a negative "review",
I really like the camera. I would like to see those issues solved in
future products, and after a while I may want to upgrade to a faster
camera - but until then I'm sure I'll enjoy the DS.
If I were to give it a rating, that would be Highly recommended.

Best regards,
Alex Sarbu

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