G'day All.

Thanks to all for the comments on my first PESO.

Kenneth. The leaves on the LRH side. I tried to move to the left, but I
lost the background. I couldn't break them off due to the fact that the
missus would have kicked my arse.

Jack. The sharpness was straight out of the *ist Ds on default settings
6Mpixel Jepg.

Paul. Thanks. The colour was what caught my eye.

Tim. The light was coming from the right at about 3 O'clock.

Bruce. You're right of course. A lower angle may have improved the
overall image, including looking directly into the flower. I only took
one exposure of the flower. Must get used to having a "DELETE" button on
a camera, thus allowing more goes to get it right unlike film :-)

Frank. Thanks heaps.

Rod. You must be the King of lateral thinking. I would never have
thought of Styrofoam as a reflector. In hind sight, this would have been
the duck guts, rather than using the pop-up flash.

I intended to reshoot it this afternoon, using the suggestions from the
list. However we are in the middle of a severe thunderstorm with hail
the size of tennis balls.

Once again, 
Thanks to all who responded.
Regards, Trevor.
Grafton, Australia

-----Original Message-----
From: Trevor Bailey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Subject: PESO: Red Native

G'day All.

Well, this is my very first PESO.
I was out this afternoon getting some trigger time with the *ist Ds.
I really liked the look of this Red Native against the bark of the
Spotted Gum (Eucalyptus Maculata) as a back drop.
I welcome all comments on this Image.
I am eager to learn.


Regards, Trevor.

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