If you think about it, the only way you could have an air tight SLR is if the lens had no moving parts, or it was vacuum sealed. Unfortunately the lenses do have moving parts and therefore they act like a bellows sucking air and out of the mirror chamber. So any DSLR camera that is used much is going to need to have dust cleaned off the sensor now and then.

"Idiot Proof" <==> "Expert Proof"

Markus Maurer wrote:

Hi William and Shel

Does every digital SLR need that sensor cleaning or are there better dust
sealed bodies and are the Pentax ones better or worse in this regard than
other brands?
For me as a film user, that "cleaning sensor thing" seems to be necessary
quite often, Shel's camera is nearly new.
I seldom clean my film bodies, I just have a look at the film pressure plate
when I change film if it is clean.

Time to clean the sensor in the DS ... locked up the mirror and saw the
sensor thingy.  It looks like there's a plastic layer over the actual

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