Your problem makes me wonder if all the battery related problems with the istD series haven't to do with that dumb RTF. It is after all the most unreliable part of modern cameras. The fixed built in flashs are not as much of a problem, but still I do not like them. The are fine for casual snapshots, but do nothing much for serious work (yes, I know many of you like them as handy fill flashs, but I feel that the problems they cause and battery drain makes a tiny shoe mount better for that).

I do remember the days when more expensive cameras were better made, and did not just have more unreliable features.

"Idiot Proof" <==> "Expert Proof"

Don Williams wrote:

I've been over this again and it seems the flash is indeed faulty. Its something I don't need and its a pity they don't make an *ist D version without one. Lifting the flash will soon run the batteries flat. I'm going to avoid that until I can get a new camera.

Hope you get/got good pictures.


Jens Bladt wrote:

Nice talking to you on Skype, Don. Very nice invention, isn't it?
The camera is faulty - RTF doesn't work right. Hoope you get it fixed fast.

Jens Bladt
Arkitekt MAA

-----Oprindelig meddelelse-----
Fra: Don Williams [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sendt: 30. oktober 2005 11:56
Emne: Re: Another firm believe shattered

I should add here that the camera works
perfectly with an external flash --  a
Vivitar 730AFPK. But with the internal
flash up the camera will not expose
although the flash symbol appears and
all seems well.

Don Williams wrote:

For a long time I have held that with the instruction book and a little
patience anyone with an ounce of intelligence can find out how to work a
machine or instrument. Too bad -- I now have to abandon this premise.

After getting the card for the *ist D I programmed custom 1 so that it
would do the things I needed for the microscope. Everything works and
the images are first class. However, things are not going so well with
the camera off the microscope.

First of all a simple question. The battery indicator shows full when
the camera is turned on and everything works. I've taken a few pictures
of things in my lab and they look okay. But after a while the battery
shows empty. But things are still working okay. Is this normal? The
original Lithiums and a fully charged set of new NiMH show the same thing.

And now the problem. The flash, when up, stops the camera from exposing.
If I put it down I can take a badly lit image of a dark corner. Auto
focus works, exposure measurement works and the pictures, where there is
enough light, look fine.

There is nothing in the book that helps. The A for auto is on but no
flash setting makes any difference. There are other (perhaps related)
problems but I had the impression that the green button solves all. I
guess I'm mistaken. But I think I'd better ask my questions one at a
time. By the way I can be contacted on Skype these days 'edfwill'  or
Don Williams, Finland, and if anyone has the time and patience I'd be
eternally grateful.


Dr E D F Williams
See feature: The Cement Company from Hell
Updated: Photomicro Link -- 18 05 2005

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