On 30/10/05, John Forbes, discombobulated, unleashed:

>The whingeing Frank is talking about concerns Pentax bodies.  As you  
>bought a Canon DSLR, you have surely in that sense defected.
>However, Frank was making the point that he wished the whingers would  
>follow your example, buy a body that suits them, and then post to the list  
>like civilised people, without whingeing constantly.
>As I read it, you were not being criticised in any way whatever.

I understand perfectly.

I will make several points.

1. My participation on this list should be based solely on my continuing
interest in Pentax cameras and lenses. In fact I have 3 Pentax bodies and
half a dozen Pentax lenses. Incidentally, all but 2 of the items were
purchased used, so you could also say that I defected from Pentax from
the moment I didn't buy anything new....

2. I may or may not have purchased some Canon gear.

3. I may or may not have purchased some Bronica gear.

4. I may or may not have purchased some Leica gear.

5. I may or may not have purchased some Mamiya gear.

6. The definition of 'defect' is this:

 1. To disown allegiance to one's country and take up residence in
another: a Soviet citizen who defected to Israel. (sic - nice one Boris,
you made Dictionary.com ;-)
        2       To abandon a position or association, often to join an opposing
group: defected from the party over the issue of free trade. 

I still have Pentax gear, and an interest in that Pentax gear. So have I
abandoned Pentax? I really don't like being called a defector. As far as
I am concerned, I use photographic equipment as I see fit for the tasks I
want to accomplish. The brand is incidental.

7. As far as whinging is concerned, that is a subjective term, and I
don't subscribe to it. The name of the list is the Pentax Discussion
Mailing List. I believe (as I'm sure you do) that healthy debate on the
future of Pentax is on topic, and therefore acceptable. Without getting
into the nitty-gritty of the definitions of 'healthy debate' and
'whinging', there is obviously a reasonable balance to be struck.

8.  Let's define 'reasonable' :-))

9. Er, that's it.


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