
I placed my bid and just won an F* 600 F4:

http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&ssPageName=ADME:B:EOIBSAA:US:11&Item=7556939330 I never thought I'd own one. Wow. But my heart really is doing a pitter-patter at spending so much. Right now, fortuitously, I have the money, but still feel nervous spending so much.

Okay, now I need recommendations for a tripod and head for Big Bertha. Bill, what did you wind up getting? Please recommend some affordable ones as well as the best ones. Right now I am feeling in economizing mode. I think the lens is about 15 pounds.

Pictures, give us pictures, we demand pictures... One cannot go by spending four digits figure on a lens with focal length more than half a meter and not show pictures ;-).


If you start complaining about lack of IS, we'll kill ya, you know <evil grin>...


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