On 30/10/05, frank theriault, discombobulated, unleashed:

>second of all, if you're not a defector, then i apologize.  however,
>you did switch slr systems several years ago, when you got your canon
>dslr.  i know you put pentax lenses on it from time to time, and it
>may be that you still have an mx body.  but the fact remains that you
>switched from a pentax-based system to a canon-based system, because
>pentax didn't make what you required at the time.  anyway, cotty, i
>didn't mean to insult you.  we all buy what we want to serve our
>specific needs.  if you feel that you didn't switch systems, then
>please accept my apologies.

Apologies accepted. I did not 'switch' my systems. Again, I repeat:

1. My participation on this list should be based solely on my continuing
interest in Pentax cameras and lenses. In fact I have 3 Pentax bodies and
half a dozen Pentax lenses. Incidentally, all but 2 of the items were
purchased used, so you could also say that I defected from Pentax from
the moment I didn't buy anything new....

2. I may or may not have purchased some Canon gear.

3. I may or may not have purchased some Bronica gear.

4. I may or may not have purchased some Leica gear.

5. I may or may not have purchased some Mamiya gear.


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