Well, I guess I am pretty close, considering I have not calibrated this thing in a couple of months. Some very faint color in the dark set. So I am close to but not exactly at 2.2.

BTW, Martin Fielding, the author of Adobe Photoshop PS2 for Photographers, says that the only reason Apple uses 1.8 is because the b&w monitor in the original Mac was only barely able to get that high. He says he uses 2.2 with his Mac's and recommends it. Says that 1.8 is obsolete. Of course that goes directly against what the guy says on the site you gave a link to. Just goes to show that opinions abound, I guess; just like people who think their own opinion is "TRUTH" incarnate <GRIN>.

"Idiot Proof" <==> "Expert Proof"

Rob Studdert wrote:

On 31 Oct 2005 at 9:28, Mat Maessen wrote:

Just about the same as yours. Nominally 21" CRT, running at 1600x1200.
I think I've got the gamma just about right on it, though the colors
are probably off quite a bit.

The best visual gamma test I've seen provides gamma test patches at three grey points, if these look good on screen then your screen cal is right in the ball- park. My system is calibrated for G2.2, when I open up the 2.2 patch set they all look gray, I'm happy. I also use the mid gray patch as my desk-top background (tiled) then I can see at a glance when my monitor has properly warmed up.



Rob Studdert
Tel +61-2-9554-4110
UTC(GMT)  +10 Hours
Pentax user since 1986, PDMLer since 1998

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